


          		# The flag object

The flag object module is an object similar in appearance to the media object, but which provides slightly more advanced functionality like vertical alignment. The flag-object is a bit more verbose than the media-object and based on display: table; which at times can cause some trouble. Read Harry Roberts article on The Flag Object

Install using npm:

    $ npm install --save-dev aleut.objects.flag


Basic usage of the flag-object uses the required classes:

<div class="o-flag">
    <div class="o-flag__img">
		<img src="image-here.png">
	<div class="o-flag__body">
		Some text-like content here.

Example of o-flag

The only valid children of the .o-flag node are .o-flag__img and .o-flag__body.


Other, optional classes can supplement the required base classes:

  • .o-flag--flush: remove the space between the image and the text.
  • .o-flag--[tiny|small|large|huge]: alter the spacing between image and the text.
  • .o-flag--rev: Switches the direction of the image and the text.
  • .o-flag--[top|bottom]: Specify the location of the image relative to the text. The default is centered.
  • .o-flag--responsive: If the flag-object should break with image over the text on a breakpoint.

For example:

<div class="o-flag o-flag--rev o-flag--small">
    <div class="o-flag__img">
		<img src="image-here.png">
	<div class="o-flag__body">
		Some text-like content here.

Example of o-flag options

Enable options

To enable the optional classes set the variables to true before you import the _objects.flag.scss-file.

$o-flag--tiny:       false !default;
$o-flag--small:      false !default;
$o-flag--large:      false !default;
$o-flag--huge:       false !default;
$o-flag--rev:        false !default;
$o-flag--flush:      false !default;
$o-flag--top:        false !default;
$o-flag--bottom:     false !default;
$o-flag--responsive: false !default;

Modify options

To modify the breakpoint of .o-flag--responsive you can change this variable and set it to your preferred option before you import the _objects.flag.scss-file.

$o-flag-collapse-at:        720px !default;