


          		# The button object

The button object is a simple, robust, extensible baseline for building entire suites of buttons onto.

Install using npm:

    $ npm install --save-dev aleut.objects.buttons


Basic usage of the button object uses the required class:

<a href="linkto.html" class="o-btn">Button</a>


Other, optional classes can supplement the required base classes:

  • .o-btn--[small|large]: Alter the spacing around the button
  • .o-btn--full: Makes the button full-width
  • .o-btn--pill: Makes the button pill shaped (i.e. rounded)

For example:

<a href="linkto.html" class="o-btn o-btn--full">Button with full width</a>
<a href="linkto.html" class="o-btn o-btn--small o-btn--pill">Small pill-button</a>

Enable options

To enable the optional classes set the variables to true before you import the _objects.buttons.scss-file.

$o-btn--small:   false !default;
$o-btn--large:   false !default;
$o-btn--full:    false !default;
$o-btn--pill:    false !default;

Modify styling

To modify the base styling you can change these variables and set them to your preferred options before you import the _objects.buttons.scss-file.

$o-btn-background:      transparent !default;
$o-btn-color:           #4a8ec2 !default;
$o-btn-border-width:    1px !default;
$o-btn-border-style:    solid !default;
$o-btn-border-color:    $o-btn-background !default;
$o-btn-radius:          0 !default;

If you need more button-alternatives (as you probably do), it’s recommended to make your own component (in its own file) that you style and add to the objects. For example:

<a href="linkto.html" class="o-btn o-btn--small c-btn--primary">Button with full width</a>