


          		# Block

The Block object simply stacks an image on top of some text content.

This incredibly frequently occurring design pattern is now wrapped up in a simple, reusable, configurable abstraction.

Install using npm:

    $ npm install --save-dev aleut.objects.block


Basic usage of the Block object uses the required classes:

<div class="o-block">
    <img src="/path/to/image.png" alt="" class="o-block__img" />
    <div class="o-block__body">
        <p>Text-like content goes here.</p>

Example of o-block

The only valid children of the .o-block node are .o-block__img and .o-block__body.


Other, optional classes can supplement the required base classes:

  • .o-block--flush: remove the space between the stacked image- and text-content.
  • .o-block--[tiny|small|large|huge]: alter the spacing between the stacked image- and text-content.
  • .o-block--[center|right]: align both the image- and text-content.

For example:

<div class="o-block  o-block--small  o-block--center">
    <img src="/path/to/image.png" alt="" class="o-block__img" />
    <div class="o-block__body">
        <p>Text-like content goes here.</p>

Example of o-block options

Enable options

To enable the optional classes set the variables to true before you import the _objects.block.scss-file.

$o-block--flush:     false;
$o-block--tiny:      false;
$o-block--small:     false;
$o-block--large:     false;
$o-block--huge:      false;
$o-block--center:    false;
$o-block--right:     false;


The Block object depends on two other aleutcss modules:

If you install the Block object using NPM, you will get these dependencies at the same time. If not using NPM, please be sure to install and @import these dependencies in the relevant way.